She was one of the leaders who couldn’t come to the year end function. We had our separate celebration at McDonalds. Good job as a Vuku leader Thando.
Thando is praying for Vuku’s new born, Avethandwa.
Her name is Avethandwa. The second new born to Vuku Family this year.
Another shot of our year end function. We finished an entire lamb.
We had a year end function for Vuku family. Not everyone could join us but we had a great time. We are ending the year with 29 families. Great job everyone in sharing Jesus’s love!
We visited Victoria’s house. Noxolo joined us instead of her mother, Depora. We are planning on reaching out to the youths such as her in Vuku Family. She was eager to join
He lost his mother to an illness last month. He is only 4.
They were singing ‘Nidixabiseklie ku Yesu’ (I’m precious to Jesus) so loud, It made my day. Anyone can praise the Lord’s name and be joyful is blessed.
We visited Zuphela’s work place with his wife Ria. He works at a college cafeteria. Luckily we caught him on a break.
We visited Nosethu’s daycare and shared the Bible verse with her. I can see she loves our visits.