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Heart’s abundance

It can’t be enough, but some of the Vuku leaders were sharing their groceries with their neighbors. We were able to provide 10kg flour, 10kg potatoes, 10kg cornmeal, 10kg rice and a large sack of orange to 28 Vuku members in the Nomzamo Area.

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Sometimes it feels weird to be called a mommy to someone who I didn’t raise from a child. However, it makes me so thankful for whom is so grateful for the little I have done.

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Bolweka’s profile picture

Bolweka joined Thembeka’s group right before the lockdown with such passion. Helen was on the phone with her and saw her profile picture. So beautiful how she expresses her feelings about the Vuku Family.

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Be strong Rosy

She is an education student in Helderberg College. She wants to stay on the Dean’s list, yet the lockdown is making it very difficult to keep the quality of her schooling. Yet, she makes time to work on the Vuku workbook via video chatting.

Because of the Lord ’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22‭-‬23

Babylon came to destroy Jerusalem.

Jarusalem lost her temple, city walls, and homes. The kingdom of Israel had fallen and people were suffering.

In Lamentation (grieving), they sing their sadness.

At the same time, it affirms the only way to overcome it is to keep their faith in the Lord.

The love of God that never fails and renews every single morning.

What ever happened in our lives, let’s look to his love that is full and fresh in this wonderful morning, my family.

♡ Cell Group Discussion

Let’s share how much we love another despite happenings in the past. Our love for one another is from God that never changes.

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Family Worship

Due to the nation wide lockdown, we started to worship as a family. It is very informal, but it is giving us a chance to see what God is doing in our family as a whole.

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Family time

It needed a national lockdown for us to play a board game as a family. It is so good to have Papama home due to the university closure.