WhatsApp Image 2020-05-16 at 12.49.49


Sometimes it feels weird to be called a mommy to someone who I didn’t raise from a child. However, it makes me so thankful for whom is so grateful for the little I have done.

“I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”
Genesis 12:2‭-‬3

There are 7 things that God promised Abraham from being blessed to becoming a source of blessing.

The promises came with a God’s call.

A call to leave home and to go to a new land that God was preparing. He was 75 years old.

Abraham’s only assurance was God’s words and the promises.

Also, it wasn’t a promise of power and wealth to Abraham. He didn’t go, “Yes, I’m going to be a king! Hooray!”

God was assuring that He loved Abraham and He would be with him every step of the way until it is done.

When God is calling you, he is not testing you to see if you have enough faith. He is inviting you to trust and walk with Him to the promised land.

♡ Cell Group Discussion

Do you have any fear in following him?

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