WhatsApp Image 2020-05-29 at 09.42.17

A full heart

Missionary Yang Hyung Phil and his wife met with us to shop for foreign workers. They have been sharing how concerned they were. Foreigners such as Zimbabweans and Malawians are distressed without any government support.

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Foreign Land

We have known Karim for many years. He is a Malawian. During SA lockdown, foreigners like Karim’s family are struggling to survive. Through Ps. Yang’s help, we were able to reach out to his family and 9 of his friends. He said, “Thank you. You saved lives.”

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Peace in Christ

When you are a leader such as Thembeka, you need to have contentment and peace that is from Christ in order to have a spiritual discernment. It is our joyful work to help each others to achieve that.

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Long Distance

Since Zukisani moved away, it was difficult to communicate and grow together. Due to the lockdown, the distance between us became less significant. Now, we do daily Vuku Workbook devotion over a video chat.