This is our logo for OLIA. Jesus turns water into wine like at the wedding party.
Bongiwe’s children. A shirt can make them so happy when Jesus’s love is in it.
Nolitha’s church. Her husband, Monde, is the pastor.
Oh my children. Certainly, they don’t grow up on their own, at least not well. Thank you mama Helen for a great job.
Gibson is Nosiseko’s husband. According to her, he disappears every Saturday morning to have a drink with his buddies. Super nice guy.
Thozamile is Thembisa’s husband. He left the church long time ago due to church corruption. We had a wonderful time discussing the church. Since then, he transformed. Now, we are trying to start a Vuku men together.
Nokuphumla and her daughter, Masivuye. That teenager winning smile again.
A view of Table Mountain. It is always beautiful.
Thembisa’s day care child. (not) My little lamb.
Bongiwe’s husband abandoned her. It took her many years to get back on her feet. It still brings tears to her eyes.