So they may hope in Christ
My friend Jannie is in Manila for Lausanne Global Workplace Forum. So proud of him.
Helen trying to feed a slice of orange to Thembeka. Still needs convincing.
Yiva being serious during a Bible study. Did he get that?
Helen and Thembisa.
Brought some snacks for a mother of 5 children. Thandokazi is a survivor.
Our Greenfield cutie, Ayola.
Stop it you two. Too much love Siyo and Nomie!
Thembeka’s birthday gathering. Vuku members in Greenfield got together to celebrate.
Thando’s Cell Group, Depora ad Sineliso. Sineliso (right) is our new baby member.
Thandokai was a guest speaker for Thandi’s group. Didn’t disappoint.