
Siyolise is serving at the retreat by doing some kitchen work. You can see joyfulness in her smile.


Rosy is Ria’s daughter. She is our first youth Vuku leader. She can’t wait to have her own Vuku group.


We met Thami and Phumelele through Mbekweni Campaign last year. They joined our retreat to learn about it and they will be planting a Vuku group using Vuku Family Workbook.


It was our first Vuku leaders retreat for 2020. We are ready to use the Vuku Family Workbook. Papama led the training and she has done an amazing job. Proud!


This year has been an exciting one. Nosiseko’s group has split this year and grew into 5 families.


Helen is sharing with Siyolise what God has done through Vuku Family this year. What a wonderful year we had in the Lord.


Schools are closing for the December. An upside to tha is where ever we go, adorable children are at home.


Lynette is officially the first Zimbabwean leader. Thembisa and she will lead and attempt to grow Vuku Zim Family.


Haven’t hung out with Ayola due to our busy schedule. We invited Thembisa and Lynette and asked to bring Ayola and Lichelle to our house. I was busy with a meeting, but got to see them play. So cute!