
Sinovuyo is studying education at Cape Peninsula University of Technology. Her group is third College Vuku Group after Helderberg College and Univ of Cape Town.


We walked the street to look for a new member for THEMBISA. In less than 5 mins, we ran into Monica. After we chatted, both of them walked away with smile on their faces. God had prepared for them.

“As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. “Good teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?””
‭‭Mark‬ ‭10:17‬ ‭

Eternity is a confusing and scary at the same time.

Because we don’t know what will happen. Some might think that we disappear after we die like dogs and cats. Sorry to say it is like wishing for a money tree.

In that unknown and uncontrollable of eternity, God has given us an important choice.

Do we want to spend the eternity with Jesus or without Jesus?

I’m with Jesus.


Thami and Phumelele each has started their own Vuku Group. We went to Paarl to meet them and share encouragements. They are just wonderful.


We visited Depora’s house today. Her two daughters insisted in joining Vuku Family themselves. Welcome!


As we finished a meeting with Nolitha, this boy was waiting outside waiting for his bath. half naked.


It’s the Siyolise’s group. I’m so excited to see how God will lead this group.


Phumelele started a Vuku Group in Mbekweni. We met him through I’m precious to Jesus March last October.


Sheren is preparing for her Meeting 1 with Helen. Her group will meet this Wednesday for the first time.


Now, we have a Vuku Group at the University of Cape Town. Papama has her first meeting and the response from the group was good. Yay