
Gold Standard

Nekeni shared a picture of her Vuku meeting with us. I believe it should be our new standard of the Social distancing friendly Vuku meeting.


Home sweet home

Papama has been home for the past three months due to the lockdown. Even though she is busy with her school work in her room, it is great to have her with us at home.


Noxolo & Yondela

Noxolo wants to start a group with Yondela. It is taking some time for them to build relationship, but it is coming. They are the 2nd Gen Vuku Family.



With caution, some of the Vuku Groups are starting to meet again officially. I can see they have grown even closer through the lockdown.


Vuku Men

Phumemele successfully planted first Vuku Men group in Mbekweni. They just reached first milestone. Congratulations!

WhatsApp Image 2020-06-01 at 09.08.45

Laughter of hope

Natasha is a Zombabwean. The restaurant she worked at went out of business due to the lock down, so she won’t have a job to go back to. Welcome to Vuku Family, Natasha. We will get through this together!