
Met up with Zuks. It has been over year and a half. He is doing well and working. He said he’s been writing about the time with the campaign. Can’t wait to read it.

“Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.”

Luke 22:42 NIV

The world become so crazy. It changed the context of being good.

If you don’t rob or hurt someone, you are a good guy.

If you don’t shout, you are a good neighbor.

If you don’t beat your child, you are a good parent.

If you are not corrupt, you are a good leader/politician.

No, not at all.

You are just a normal person.

Let’s show this world what is good. How God shapes us to be a good person, neighbor, parent and leader.

Be good in His sight.

♡ Cell Group Discussion

What is a good person?

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