Pic: Papama joined the Vuku Leaders’ training last weekend. +
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9 +
Written by Jung
Have you ever been so scared of something that might happen, but when it gets resolved, the outcome seems so obvious and natural?
During a Vuku Leader’s training in Grabouw, one of the leaders mentioned that she would continue praying for finances. Even if God answered and provided for her needs, she would still pray for the next need.
This fear stemmed from the fact that she would experience fear and anxiety every time she had needs. Time and time again, God provides, yet she finds herself scared that her future needs might not be met.
Instead of praying for things that you have already witnessed God doing, have faith and pray for matters that will further God’s kingdom around us. Pray for things that will assist our brothers and sisters in distress. Pray for circumstances that will reveal Jesus’ love for them.
You are precious to Jesus!