WhatsApp Image 2023-05-16 at 07.01.14

Pic: Mama Lim from Grace Mission Church in Paarl has been running Vuku groups with Madeline and she already became a leader.

-Jeremiah 31:33 (NIV) “This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel
after that time,” declares the LORD.
“I will put my law in their minds
and write it on their hearts.
I will be their God,
and they will be my people.

Written by Jung

We wear rings on our fingers to show that we are married, and we carry ID cards to prove that we belong to a country or a state. However, the sign that indicates our belonging to Jesus is inscribed in our hearts.

Just like an ID card, our hearts contain our individual details, and they are not the same. Even though our hearts display that Jesus is our Lord, each of our hearts shines and thrives differently.

Take a moment to contemplate your heart that belongs to Christ. What does yours say?

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